Embrace the iconic 1980s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon series with the Ultimate Raphael action figure by NECA. This meticulously crafted 7″ scale figure brings Raphael to life with incredible detail and a plethora of accessories, all housed in unique Pizza Club VHS-style collectible packaging.
Authentic Design: Captures Raphael’s cool yet rude personality straight from the beloved TMNT cartoon series.
Exclusive Packaging: Comes in a retro VHS-style box, a must-have for collectors.
Loaded with Accessories: Includes Raphael’s signature sais, a sausage & jelly bean pizza, and various episode-specific accessories.
High Articulation: Features over 20 points of articulation for dynamic posing.
Collector-Friendly: Window box packaging with an opening flap for display.
Why You Should Buy:
This limited edition action figure is a treasure for TMNT fans and collectors. Its nostalgic design and exclusive packaging make it a standout piece in any collection. With a stock limited and allocation potentially applying, pre-ordering ensures you secure this unique item before it’s gone.
Lifestyle Integration:
Imagine bringing a piece of your childhood back into your home. This Ultimate Raphael figure not only serves as a nostalgic reminder of the 1980s but also as a conversation starter. Display it in your living room, office, or personal collection space to showcase your love for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Additional Information:
Estimated Arrival Period: Q3 2024
Pre-order Deadline: 30-07-2024
Release Date: 29-09-2024
Availability: This item is available for pre-order only.
Shipping Fees: Large items might incur additional shipping costs.
Limited Stock: Pre-orders are on a first-come, first-served basis due to limited quantity.
Shipping Policy: Orders containing pre-order items will not be shipped until all items are in stock.
Separate Orders: Please place pre-order items in separate orders from in-stock items.
Arrival Date: The estimated arrival date is based on the supplier’s schedule and may be delayed without notice.
Non-Refundable: Pre-orders cannot be canceled, refunded, or exchanged.
Fulfillment Order: If the supplier does not fulfill all pre-orders in the first shipment, we will fulfill based on the order of purchase.
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